Climate adaptation - an overview


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In this first webinar from the series Climate Adaptation: solutions from different corners of the world, two top of the bill keynote speakers will take a digital world trip along climate impact and adaptive solutions. 

Practical info

Online (Zoom)
22 april 2022
09.00 - 10.00 CEST
Free of charge
Anyone interested in climate adaptation
Contactpersoon WOW
Ronald Wielinga
Manager Ondernemerschap

Programme and speakers

Hans de Moel

Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam


Hans de Moel works as an assistant professor in risk management, climate change and adaptation at the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the VU in Amsterdam. His expertise lies in the field of water and climate risks, such as floods, droughts, hail, hurricanes, and the like. To do this, he works with all kinds of risk models to be able to evaluate measures and estimate future changes in risks. During this webinar, he will mainly discuss flood risks, and how they can be dealt with in different ways with contrasting examples from the Netherlands and the United States.

Joep Verhagen

Global Center on Adaptation

Program lead Water & Urban

Joep Verhagen

Joep Verhagen is program lead Water & Urban at the Global Center on Adaptation. Joep has over 25 years of experience in tackling large and complex development challenges in the water sectors in Asia and Africa. Joep has worked at the World Bank, where he led the US$1.5 billion Clean India program and the IRC International Water and Sanitation Center, among others. His expertise is mainly in the field of translating knowledge and new insights into large-scale implementation programs and projects in developing countries and providing technical support to governments. At the GCA, he is working on, among other things, developing the City Adaptation Accelerator that supports cities in better understanding climate risks, developing adaptation strategies and plans, and financing these plans.
