Watch video: Circular water in a built environment

In this webinar on Circular water in a built environment Ellen Edefell from NSVA and Henk-Jan van Alphen from KWR treated the circular use of water in Helsingborg, Sweden and Brain Port Smart District in Noord-Brabant.

Watch the video, download the sheets and check the Q&A, that Ellen and Henk-Jan answered in writing after the webinar.

Watch the video (56 minutes, Nederlands ondertiteld)


00:00:00 - introduction by Rudy van Beurden

00:02:49 - Henk-Jan van Alphen from KWR submits a poll question

00:05:50 - Henk-Jan van Alphen gives a presentation about Brainport Smart Disrict - towards a water wise neighbourhood. In this project Brabant Water, Waterschap Aa en Maas, Waterschap De Dommel, Gemeente Helmond, Provincie Noord-Brabant and KWR are collaborating on the creation of a circular water system in a living lab of Brainport District. Henk-Jan van Alphen elaborates on the feasibility study and the process the partners and stakeholders are going through to come up with a such a system.

00:29:23 - Ellen Edenfell from NSVA talked about the Oceanhammen district and RecoLab in Helsingborg, Sweden, where a separate wastewater system has been implemented. She shifted the topic from circular water to circulair resources in the built environment. "Wastewater contains so much good, in terms of water but also in terms of nutrients," she stated. "Even though there are difficulties, and even though it can be challenging, don't let that stop you: it is possible to do it. The cooperation is key, really push for it and drive for the change that will be needed."

00:48:08 - Q&A with both speakers


Henk-Jan van Alphen

KWR Watercycle Research Institute


Ellen Edefell

NSVA – Nordvästra Skånes Vatten och Avlopp

Development engineer en industrieel PhD student


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